Quality is an integral part of our services fully embedded in our corporate vision, mission, purpose and values. At Curis Network we are committed in delivering services that are trusted and known for high standards of quality aiming to assist people and communities managing their health and wellbeing status. We strive to offer sustainable services that enhance quality of life and contribute to a healthier future.    

Quality constitutes an inextricably linked part of Curis Network principles. These principles lead our attitude, our actions, and our operations of delivering safe and innovative healthcare services. These principles are essential for the achievement of our ambition to be recognized and trusted for offering quality services to assist people live their life well.

Curis Network is an innovative healthcare network that enhance delivery of healthcare, protect community health, and promote excellence in every stage of healthcare operations. Our commitment is to lead healthcare transition in Cyprus never compromising on the quality of our services. Management and staff of Curis Network strive to certify that services offered are known for their quality which we continuously aim to improve. In order to achieve our objectives, we have built our Quality Management System and processes in accordance with the requirements stated by ISO 9001:2015, BS 15224:2016, ISO 45001:2018, ISO27001:2013 and ISO 56002:2019 standards.

At Curis Network, our Quality Policy is in line with our commitment for achieving Excellence in Healthcare and is focused on the following guidelines and principles:

  • To support communities and interested parties/stakeholders in enhancing their health and wellness status through the offering of health-related services.
  • To follow technological advances and international good practices in the delivery of care.
  • To foster a quality mindset with the objective of designing, developing, and providing services and products with zero defects that are trusted and preferred by individuals and communities, achieving to deliver on our promise to enable healthier lives.
  • To continuously challenging us, to improve the quality management system guaranteeing services and products’ safety, prevent incidents of bad quality and eliminate defects through the review of quality objectives and results.
  • To comply with laws and regulations set by relevant governing bodies and authorities.
  • To offer constant training to our staff members to ensure a high level of expertise in terms of their scientific expertise as well as knowledge regarding quality, health and work safety.
  • o   To maintain and continuously improve our quality systems, operational procedures and offered services to follow international standards, best practices and literature that are relevant to the field of our activities.
  • To create sustainable value and build trust among individuals, communities and any other interested parties, Curis Network aim to achieve the principles above through:
  • Measuring relevant indicators aiming in the betterment of our Key Performance Indicators.
  • Encouraging participation and promotion of a quality culture throughout the organization and associated third parties, through quality standards, education, training and coaching, supervision, and effective communication.
  • Continuously investigating the satisfaction of our stakeholders through questionnaires.
  • Guaranteeing services’ safety and full compliance by respecting our policies, principles and standards with full transparency.
  • Constantly observing and identifying patients’ preferences to develop / enhance our offered services to meet their expectations
  • Continuously educating of our staff through seminars and short courses
  • Continuously implementing preventative measures to avoid any adverse events from occurring.
  • Evaluating our effectiveness and undertaking corrective measures strategically based upon complains from our shareholders and through the identification of any problems and weaknesses which are recognized as opportunities for improvement.

At Curis Network we are committed in engaging all levels of the organizational structure to build Curis Network quality mind-set. All personnel are supported, engaged and actively involved in the activities and procedures that are set out within the Quality System and has the responsibility of remaining up-to-date with the documented policies and procedures, aiding in their implementation throughout Curis Network.

The Quality Policy of Curis Network is communicated to all stakeholders and is publicly available for viewing by interested parties.

*IMPORTANT NOTE: English shall be the language of this Policy and the parties waive any right to use and rely upon any other language or translation.

Find Us

European Office

Curis Network (CHG Cyprus Healthcare Group Ltd)
6 Georgiou Davari Street
2024 Acropolis, Office 201
P.O. Box 28892, 2083 Nicosia
Tel: +357 22 029610
Email: info@curisnetwork.com


U.S. Office

Curis International Healthcare Management LLC
Three Gateway Center
Suite 2400
401 Liberty Avenue
Pittsburgh, Pa 15222
Tel: +1 412 440 5230
Email: info@curisnetwork.com

Contact Us

Telephone Lines (Languages)

CY: +357 22 053550 (GR, EN, RU)​
US: +1 878 2059340 (EN)​
BY: +375 200 3210291 (RU, EN)​