Workplace Wellbeing Program has been developed to be part of the Smart Health Community Program. It aims to assist organisations in complying with applicable legal requirements, and  at the same time support the human capital enhancing their health and wellbeing status.

The pandemic forced employees and employers to undergo considerable changes in the way they interact, in an effort to adapt to the new reality. Employers are called to find new ways of doing business according to which organizations must change how they operate along with the role of offices in generating secure, successful and rewarding careers.

The program consists of 3 main pillars:

  • Occupational Health 
  • Employee Assistance Program
  • “Organisation’s” Smart Health Community

Regardless of the legal obligations of the employer to comply with the local legislation, the program has been designed to support the following Sustainable Development Goals of the UN:

  • SDG 03: Good Health & Wellbeing
  • SDG 08: Decent Work & Economic Growth
  • SDG  11 : Sustainable Cities & Communities
  • SDG  17: Partnerships for the Goals 

Methodology for creating one

Step #1: Define organisation’s goals
This step requires the organisation’s management and HR leadership to define the Workplace Wellbeing Strategy of the organisation’s considering employees, physical, mental, emotional and financial wellbeing. In defining the strategy organisation’s regulatory obligations, health and safety risk assessment, and the employee community profile should be considered. Once defined, the strategy will broken into short term and long term goals. (For information regarding employer’s obligation for monitoring employee health in Cyprus, please click here) 

Step #2: Build a plan
A detailed plan of actions to meet the goals set by the strategy defined at Step 01 should be developed. If the organisation is required to engage a physician with specialisation in Occupational Health for complying, then such physician is contracted and a selection of services from Curis Employee Assistance Program are selected to create a dedicated plan based on the organisation’s needs.

Step #3: Communicate and implement
Organisation’s management informs employees about the organisation’s strategy and service offering of the specific plan available. At this stage employees are given access to MyCuris® Personal Health Application. The application will allow the employee to access the services and benefits offered, follow campaigns and monitor progress on targets set by the management. 

Step #4: Measure performance
Employers are not allowed to have access to individual employee records. Curis Workplace Wellbeing Scorecard allows organisation’s representative (usually HR leadership) to monitor performance per department, location or functionality (job). The scorecard consists of key performance indicators to measure physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.

Step #5: Evaluate and amend
At least twice a year, strategic targets are benchmarked against actual results, and corrective measures are considered. An employee satisfaction survey is carried out once a year.

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Employee Assistance Program Features

  • MyCuris® Personal Health Application 
    A user friendly digital application that allows the employee to enjoy the benefits offered by the selected plan of Workplace Wellbeing Program offered by the employer. The employee can elect to further access a hybrid network of physical and digital services to better manage own health and wellbeing.
  • Workplace Wellbeing Management Application
    A digital application that allows representatives of the employer organisation to monitor and manage the program. The application allows to create and manage MyCuris users, organise campaigns and monitor Curis Workplace Wellbeing Scorecard. 
  • Curis Virtual Clinic
    Through MyCuris employees have access to a network of international medical professionals for a teleconsultation. The application allows the employee to invite a physician of choice to connect, regardless of that physician is part of  Curis Virtual Clinic physicians or not. 
  • Second Medical Opinion
    In collaboration with Assist America, employees have the option of enquiring for a second medical opinion on any health matter of concern for which they have previously received another medical advice.  
  • Chronic Disease or Lifestyle Programs
    Backed with a pool of physicians, registered nurses and other allied professionals, we offer programs aiming prevention and management of chronic disease like diabetes, Alzheimer’s, cardiac issues, quit smoking etc. 

Mental Health
In recent years, there has been an increase in absenteeism of employees from their work. At the same time unemployment levels rise too, due to work incapacity associated with work-related stress or other mental health issues. Studies shown that loss of productivity, absenteeism, job withdrawal and high turnover are often directly linked to poor mental and emotional health, specifically related to stress and burnout.

A dedicated team of mental health professionals, consisting of registered psychiatrists, psychologists and psychotherapists help employees to deal with stressful challenges in their personal or professional life, emotional difficulties, burnout, interpersonal dysfunctions or depression. It focuses on raising awareness, prevention and treatment. 
Incrementally, the program provides employees with tools and resources to better manage their mental and emotional wellbeing. Services can be delivered either onsite or online and include a helpline, workshops and seminars and counselling sessions.

Physiotherapy at Work
Musculoskeletal disorders are one of the main causes of absence and reduced productivity. A team of registered physiotherapists can educate employees on issues related to the ergonomics of the office or any other job function (e.g. on weight handling). The team can provide physiotherapy sessions to employees to support back pain, tennis elbow and any other issues related to the workplace.

Physical Activity at Work
A workout or short exercise or yoga at work may improve job performance, productivity and the overall working environment. Physical activity contributes in reduced stress, improved brainpower, better memory, increased energy – all of them resulting in increased productivity. Positiveness, happiness and strengthening of employees interpersonal relations are among the benefits of physical activity at work. Curis team of trainers offers on site Yoga, Pilates and Personal training assisting in keeping your employees physically active, healthy and fit.

Health Academy
Curis Health Academy works closely with healthcare and lifestyle professionals to raise awareness on health and wellbeing issues. Content can be in the form of seminars, webinars, articles and videos. Delivery can be made either online through MyCuris application, with physical presence at the orgaisation’s premises or any other venue selected by the employer.
The scope of the academy is to provide community members with the relevant education to manage their own health. deal with lifestyle changes required by a chronic disease, support a family member facing health issues and enhance their overall wellbeing.

Find Us

European Office

Curis Network (CHG Cyprus Healthcare Group Ltd)
6 Georgiou Davari Street
2024 Acropolis, Office 201
P.O. Box 28892, 2083 Nicosia
Tel: +357 22 029610


U.S. Office

Curis International Healthcare Management LLC
Three Gateway Center
Suite 2400
401 Liberty Avenue
Pittsburgh, Pa 15222
Tel: +1 412 440 5230

Contact Us

Telephone Lines (Languages)

CY: +357 22 053550 (GR, EN, RU)​
US: +1 878 2059340 (EN)​
BY: +375 200 3210291 (RU, EN)​